
What is Low-Code?

It is a programming approach that allows developers to spend more time chatting over coffee.

Low-code is a software development approach that utilizes pre-built components, templates, and visual interfaces. Low-code platforms enable users to create applications by dragging and dropping elements such as forms, dropdown lists, and action buttons.

It is an approach to software development that emphasizes simplicity, efficiency, and speed. Low-code platforms allow for application development without the need for traditional coding. This enables quick and cost-effective creation of applications that improve business processes.

Advanced Projects

Low-code platforms also enable the creation of more advanced applications that require database access, API integration, or advanced business logic. To accomplish this, low-code platforms provide libraries and visual interfaces that allow for the creation of advanced applications in a simple and intuitive manner.

Advantages of Low-Code:

  1. Speed – With pre-built components, applications can be developed much faster compared to traditional programming approaches.
  2. Ease – Interfaces and the absence of code-writing make the application development process easier and more intuitive.
  3. Scalability – Low-code applications can be easily modified and adjusted, allowing them to grow alongside the expanding business.
  4. Flexibility – Low-code tools enable the creation of various types of applications, from those that can be developed in a day to advanced business systems that require analysis and proper process preparation.

Disadvantages of Low-Code:

  1. Limitations – Some functionalities may be difficult or impossible to achieve using low-code tools, which can be a challenge for more complex applications.
  2. Using low-code means that the code is generated by the system, resulting in a lack of control over the code. Troubleshooting code-related issues becomes more difficult, and sometimes additional software extensions need to be created.
  3. Platform dependency – Due to the nature of low-code, when creating applications in one platform, you limit yourself to that platform. This means that the choice of a low-code platform can have an impact on future projects.
  4. Low-code tools carry the risk of security concerns, as the security provided by these tools may not always be sufficient. When using a platform, security aspects must be closely monitored, so the choice of a platform should always be well-considered.

Changing Mindset

Low-code represents a shift in mindset when it comes to application development. With an intuitive interface, even individuals without specialized programming knowledge can create advanced business applications. Applications can be delivered much faster compared to traditional approaches, and part of the application development is handled by business personnel.



